Web Resources and Best Practices in Marketing

What follows is a small sample of resources on the web that are available with no charge for those interested in improving their marketing skills. All the web sites were verified by July 20, 2008.

7.1. General IL Resources

FORMIST informations, a french blog on information literacy. http://blogformist.enssib.fr/

IFLA. Information Literacy Section. Among information about activities, past and future, there are some useful documents, like the Guidelines on Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning. Written by Jesus Lau: www.ifla.org

IFLA. Management and Marketing Section. Among some other resources, a Glossary of Marketing Definitions is in progress. http://www.ifla.org/VII/s34/pubs/glossary.htm. There is also a database in a pilot phase named MatPromo, This database is intended to collect images of objects currently used by all types of libraries to promote their services: http://bidoc.ub.es/pub/matpromo/

InfoLit Global. Information Literacy Resources Directory. Created by the Information Literacy Section of IFLA, on behalf of UNESCO. The objective is to record information literacy materials from different parts of the world: http://www.infolitglobal.info/

LOEX Clearinghouse for Library Instruction. LOEX is a self-supporting, non-profit educational clearinghouse for library instruction and information literacy information, founded in 1971: http://www.emich.edu/public/loex/index.html

Marketing Information and Library Services, Although not updated, Sheila Webber has developed this web site, with a good number of concepts, readings and links. http://dis.shef.ac.uk/sheila/marketing/default.htm

Marketing Our Libraries: On and Off the Internet
Contains a good deal of resources; although not so updated as desired, this site is a good place to visit: http://librarysupportstaff.com/marketinglibs.html

National Forum on Information Literacy. The Forum was created in 1989, as a response to the recommendations of the American Library Association's Presidential Committee on Information Literacy in its final report. http://www.infolit.org/index.html

OhioLINK Marketing Toolkit.  Created in April 2003 to enable Ohio’s academic libraries to more effectively market their resources and services, this web site provides customizable tools and information, which in most cases is available to non members of this network. http://www.ohiolink.edu/ostaff/marketing/

Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online Database (PRIMO). Sponsored by ALA and ACRL, intends “ … to promote and share peer-reviewed instructional materials created by librarians to teach people about discovering, accessing and evaluating information in networked environments”: http://www.ala.org/apps/primo/public/search1.cfm

Stay Current - Subscribe to the print publication Marketing Library Services: http://www.infotoday.com/mls/default.shtml

The 'M' Word - Marketing Libraries
A blog designed to bring the wonderful world of marketing to librarians.http://themwordblog.blogspot.com/
“What Is Marketing in Libraries?” An article written byBy Dinesh K. Gupta and Ashok Jambhekar and available in full text in the Special Library Association web site:

7.2. Listervs.Discussion lists are good places to share. Do not hesitate to ask your colleagues to let you know about their resources and experiences on marketing library and services. Some of them are:

ACADEMICPR, an ACRL discussion list for academic and research librarians interested in sharing ideas on promotion and marketing, htp://lists.ala.org/wws/arc/academicpr

ACRL Instruction Section (ILI-L).  It is a moderated list created in May 2002 as a new iteration of the online community created with the BI-L discussion list in 1990. ILI-L. Is hosted on the American Library Association server, sponsored by the Instruction Section of the ACRL. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or access the ILI-L archive (May 2002-present), go to:http://lists.ala.org/wws/info/ili-l

DHI UACJ. The first discussion list on information literacy in Latin America. To get subscribed visit: http://bivir.uacj.mx/dhi/

LIS-INFOLITERACY List. Information Literacy and Information Skills Teaching Discussion in UK: