Cited Sources and Additional Readings

6.1 Cited Sources

American Library Association, & Association of College and Research Libraries. (2003). Your library TM toolkit for Academic and Research Libraries: messages, ideas, and strategies for promoting the value of our libraries and librarians in the 21st century. Chicago, Ill: ALA and ACRL. Retrieved february 17, 2008 from the ACRL web site:

American Library Association. (1989) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final Report. Washington: ALA, Retrieved July 15, 2008 from the ACRL web site:

Amos, Gwen (2001). Symbol Excellence. Traits of a Good Symbol. S. l.: Gwen Amos Design.

Doucett, E. (2008). Creating your library brand: Communicating your relevance and value to your patrons. Chicago: American Library Association.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO (2008) Manual de Identidad Gráfica. IFLA and UNESCO.

Hart, Keith (1999) Putting Marketing Ideas into Action. London: Library Association Publishing

Keller, J. A. (2008, sept/oct). Branding and marketing your library. Library Journal, pp. 46-51.

Keller, K. L. (2008). Administración estratégica de marca. Branding. (3a. ed.)México: Pearson Education

Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. (2006). Principles of Marketing. 11th. Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Lau, J. (2006). Guidelines on Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning. Final Draft. Retrieved July 12, 2008 from the IFLA website:

Singh, R. (2004). Branding in library and information context: the role of marketing culture.

Stanton, W. J., M. J. Etzel y B. J. Walker (2003) Fundamentos de marketing, 11a. ed. Mexico: McGraw-Hill.

6.2. Additional Readings - Branding and Marketing Libraries, compiled by Linda J. Goff

American Library Association, & Association of College and Research Libraries. (2003). The campaign for America's libraries @ your library: Toolkit for academic and research libraries: messages, ideas, and strategies for promoting the value of our libraries and librarians in the 21st century. Chicago: ACRL.

American Library Association, & American Association of School Librarians. (2003). Toolkit for school library media programs: Messages, ideas, and strategies for promoting the value of our libraries and librarians in the 21st century. Chicago: American Library Association and Association of College and Research Libraries.

Barber, P., & Wallace, L. K. (2010). Building a buzz: Libraries and word-of-mouth marketing. Chicago: American Library Association.

Cleeve, M., & Stephens, D. (2008). National Library Websites: How Do They Market the Library?. Alexandria, 20(2), 67-79. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts database.

Coult, G. (2008). Rebranding Libraries - Richard Denny. Managing Information, 15(4), 12-12. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts database.

Dean, S. (1990). Winning marketing techniques: An introduction to marketing for information professionals : a self-study program. Washington, DC: Special Libraries Association.

Eisner, J. (1981). Beyond PR, marketing for libraries. LJ special report, #18. New York, N.Y.: Library journal.

Fisher, P. H., Pride, M. M., & Miller, E. G. (2006). Blueprint for your library marketing plan: A guide to help you survive and thrive. Chicago: American Library Association.

Germain, C. (2008). A Brand New Way of Looking at Library Marketing. Public Services Quarterly, 4(1), 73-78. Retrieved August 3, 2009, doi:10.1080/15228950802135806

Keller, J. (2008). Branding and Marketing Your Library. Public Libraries, 47(5), 45-51. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts database.

Kleibacker, K., Winter, L., & Waugh, C. A. (2000). I-Tips 2000: The insiders' guide to school & library marketing. Denver, CO: The Internet Monitor.

Landau, H. B. (2008). The small public library survival guide: Thriving on less. Chicago: American Library Association.

Mathews, B., & Bodnar, J. M. (2008). Promoting the library. SPEC kit, 306. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries.

Matthews, J. R. (2009). The customer-focused library: Re-inventing the library from the outside-in. Santa Barbara, Calif: Libraries Unlimited.

Tenney, H. B. (1993). Marketing & libraries do mix: A handbook for libraries & information centers. Columbus, Ohio: State Library of Ohio.

SLA Repositions Itself. (2004). Association Management, Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts database.