
The aim of writing this marketing manual is to promote the use of the Information Literacy IFLA – UNESCO logo (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The logo was selected from an international competition with the objective of creating an image that would strengthen communication between participants in  Information Literacy (IL) programs: those who fund them, the institutions and organizations; those who facilitate the programs, the trainers; and those who benefit from developing information competencies, the learners. The adoption and use of the logo by information literacy professionals will make it an easily recognizable symbol for IL across countries, and will therefore, make IL communication easier.

You are invited to use the logo extensively and creatively. The formal use and endorsement of the logo means also an endorsement, in general, of the information literacy programs. Each time the logo is used, it will serve to promote IL activities, so please, adopt it and promote its use among your IL peers.

This manual, created on behalf of the Information Literacy Section of IFLA, is a guide for marketing efforts of librarians and information professionals who need to position and brand their IL activities.  It is also available as a PDF document on the website.  My special thanks to IFLA and UNESCO for funding the Logo. The contest was funded by UNESCO, and the drafting of this manual was financed by IFLA, as project money given to the Information Literacy Section (InfoLit). Special thanks also to the 2007 – 2009 InfoLit Executive Officers: Sylvie Chevillotte (France), Chair; Andoni Calderón (Spain), Secretary; and Albert Boekhorst (The Netherlands), Information Officer, as well as to Linda Goff (USA) who has been a very active Secretary of the InfoLit Logo Committee.  Special thanks also for all those who enthusiastically participated in the logo contest, or have expressed support to this project, as well as the group who provided feedback at the workshop held in Milan in 2009.

The manual is divided into eight sections.  The first one is on how the logo can be downloaded and used. The following sections are on IL marketing, and they are ordered according to the marketing process.  They also include, at the end, information on how the logo was selected, plus a bibliography, a list of websites and an appendix with logo applications.

If you need information concerning the usage of the logo, and the Marketing Manual, as well as the other resources, please email: Jesus Lau, at  or Linda Goff, at or the Executive Officers of the Information Literacy Section of IFLA.Please check the IFLA website for their current addresses,

Jesus Lau, Ph.D.
Logo Committee Chair
Universidad Veracruzana
Veracruz, Mexico